Photography and Social Media

Social media guidelines and best practices

We welcome social media use at AsiaPLAT, including live tweeting. Use includes all public settings such as the exhibit hall, cultural events and receptions, and scientific settings such as oral and poster sessions, lectures, keynotes, and town halls.

In particular, we ask social media users to adhere to the following:

Photography guidelines and best practices

Photography by individuals for personal use and for social media is allowed at social events, in the Exhibit Hall and in public spaces throughout AsiaPLAT Conference is permitted. Additional uses of photography at the conference are permitted with the following guidelines:

Photography permission: Permission is understood to be granted unless the following conditions apply:

The presenter has affixed a “no photo” image to the poster or presentation.

The presenter, and/or the convener on behalf of the presenter, explicitly states to the audience their preference for no photographs.

Due to the fact that attendees often come in and out of the room during sessions, Conference team recommends that presenters affix the “no photos” image on all slides to ensure that attendees are aware of the presenter’s preference.

Limits to audio and video recording: Audio and video recording by individuals for personal use and for social media use is allowed only at social events, and in public spaces throughout the meeting. Audio and video recording can be disruptive to the presentation and the attendees, and in addition, there are legal considerations that preclude attendees from making recordings.

The following limitations and exceptions apply to audio/video recording: